A multi-temporal masking classification method for field-based agricultural crop mapping

Arıkan, Mahmut
This study describes the field-based classification of agricultural crops using multi-date Landsat 7 ETM+ images acquired in May, July, and August 2000. The study area is located in north-west of Turkey with a size of about 1 5 km x 1 1.3 km and grows a variety of crops. The objective was to identify the summer (August) crops within the agricultural fields. The classification methodology is based on a multi- temporal masking of Landsat 7 ETM+ images. First, a supervised per-pixel classification of the three images (May, July, and August 2000) was performed using a maximum likelihood classifier algorithm. The accuracy of classified outputs was computed by comparing them with the ground truth information. Those classes with a high classification accuracy were masked out and the August image was re-classified using the unmasked classes only excluding the masked areas from the classification. The masking technique was applied to overcome the problems caused by the spectral overlaps between the classes. After completing the classification process, the multi- temporal classified output of the August image was analyzed in a field specific manner in the integration of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS). In each field, the percentages of classified pixels were computed and the field was assigned a class label based on the highest percentage value. The resulting classification accuracy of the multi-temporal masking technique was 81%, which was 10% more accurate than the classification of the August image only. An immediate updating of a GIS database was provided by means of directly entering the analysis results into the database.


A segment-based approach to classify agricultural lands by using multi-temporal optical and microwave data
Ok, Asli Ozdarici; Akyürek, Sevda Zuhal (2012-01-01)
This research study aims to classify crop diversity in agricultural land with a segment-based approach using multi-temporal Kompsat-2 and Environmental Satellite (Envisat) advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR) data acquired in June, July and August on Karacabey Plain, Turkey. Analyses start with the image segmentation process applied to the fused optical images to search homogenous objects. The segmentation outputs are evaluated using multiple goodness measures, which take into consideration area and loc...
Object Based Classification of Multi temporal Images for Agricultural Crop Mapping in Karacabey Plain Turkey
ÖZDARICI OK, ASLI; Akyürek, Sevda Zuhal (2014-01-01)
The objective of this research is to classify major crop types cultivated in Karacabey Plain of north western Turkey using multitemporal Kompsat-2 and Envisat ASAR data with an object-based methodology. First a pansharpening algorithm is applied to each panchromatic and multispectral Kompsat-2 data to produce colour images having 1m spatial resolution. Next, Mean-Shift image segmentation procedure is applied to the pansharpened Kompsat-2 data with multiple parameter combinations. Multiple goodness measures ...
Classification of Crops using Multitemporal Hyperion Images
Teke, Mustafa; Çetin, Yasemin (2015-07-24)
In this study, multi-temporal Hyperion and Landsat 8 images from Eastern Turkey are used to classify wheat, alfalfa and sainfoin (Onobrychis). 9 Hyperion and 9 Landsat 8 images acquired at similar dates from year 2013 are used for both same and cross date classification of crops. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Live Stock's farmer registration system (CKS, Ciftci Kayit Sistemi) records are used as ground truth after a refinement process. Preprocessing steps used for Hyperion data are presented. 100 sample...
Ünlü, Kahraman; PARKER, JC; STEVENS, D; CHONG, PK; KAMIL, I (Elsevier BV, 1992-10-01)
This paper describes a screening model for evaluating the migration of organic and inorganic contaminants leached from land-disposed wastes. The model is composed of a waste-zone release submodel, an unsaturated-zone transport submodel and a saturated-zone transport submodel. The waste-zone submodel assumes steady one-dimensional vertical flow through a uniform waste zone treated as a "stirred tank reactor". Soluble inorganic contaminants are assumed to exhibit a constant concentration in the leachate until...
An Assessment of the Spatial Distribution of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Contamination in Turkey
Gedik, Kadir; İmamoğlu, İpek (Wiley, 2010-02-01)
This study summarizes the relevant information regarding the spatial distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in various environmental (e.g., soil, sediment, air, water) and biological (e.g., fish, mussel, adipose tissue, milk) media in Turkey. The information sources, used for this purpose, in addition to the scientific literature, were; official import records, governmental reports on monitoring of organochlorines, and reports prepared by international organizations. PCBs were never produced in Tu...