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An analysis of college student's perceived usage and importance of high speed internet : the case of metu students
Eryol, Gökhan
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This study aims to find differences in the perceived usage and importance of the Internet within characteristics of students. METU undergraduate students having a proper Internet connection were defined as population, and asked to answer the online questionnaire about perceived usage and importance of the Internet. For 653 eligible answers, Factorial ANOVA and independent samples t-test were used to compare mean scores of dependent variables across three independent variables: gender, accommodation type and faculty. Results indicate that although genders spent equal times on the Internet, their perceived usage and importance of the Internet differs. Females’ perceived usage and importance of the Internet for academic works and instant messaging are more than males, whereas males are using Internet for seeking current information like news, sending content to interactive web services and playing online games. This study also states that there is no evidence of a statistically significant difference for amount of the Internet usage between 3 accommodation types, METU Dormitories with high speed Internet connection, house with family or relatives, house with friends or alone. However, it is observed that students staying at METU Dormitories stated more instant messaging usage than that of staying at house with friends or alone. Between faculties, there is evidence that students from Faculty of Education are using Internet for academic course work more than the other faculties. Finally, students who are living in campus are more satisfied with the access speed to university local area network and Turkish National Research Network.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
A question-answer system for mobile devices in lecture-based instruction: a qualitative analysis of student engagement and learning
Ataş, Amine Hatun; Delialioğlu, Ömer (2018-01-01)
The aim of this study was to explore the opinions, perceptions and evaluations of students about their experiences with a question-answer system used on mobile devices in a lecture-based course. Basic qualitative research method was employed in this study to understand how students made sense of their experiences during the instruction. The participants of the study were 25 of 42 students enrolled in a Computer Hardware course, who were interviewed in five sessions of focus-groups. Data analysis was done ba...
A comparison of learning management systems in a school district: searching for the ideal personalized integrated educational system (PIES)
Yıldırım, Zahide; Kwon, Seolim; Kageto, Yuichi; Shao, Zihang (2014-11-02)
This study explored the use of several learning management systems (LMS), their benefits, and their limitations in relation to the desired characteristics of an ideal Personalized Integrated Educational System (PIES) for the information age. A qualitative research design was used. The participants of the study were teachers, administrators, and technology coordinators in a small suburban school district. The data were collected through interviews and were subjected to content analysis. The findings of the s...
Analyzing the effects of the personality traits on the success of online collaborative groups
Kucukozer-Cavdar, Seyma; Taşkaya Temizel, Tuğba (Elsevier BV; 2016-06-23)
The purpose of this study is to analyze how efficient online study groups can be formed among students based on their personality traits. A survey consisting of Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) was conducted among the undergraduate students in a well-known university. Eighty-two students who did not know each other were assigned to 35 small online groups based on their personality characteristics. The group members were then asked to study collaboratively on a task by communicating via the university's...
Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Ders Sırasında Öğretim Amacı Dışında Mobil Telefon Kullanımına Etki Eden Faktörlerin İncelenmesi
ŞUMUER, EVREN; GEZGİN, DENİZ MERTKAN; Yıldırım, İbrahim Soner (2018-12-01)
Bu çalışmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin ders sırasında öğretim amacı dışında mobil telefon kullanımının nomofobi düzeyi, kullanılan sosyal medya sayısı, genel not ortalaması ve cinsiyet değişkenleri tarafından ne düzeyde yordandığını incelemektir. Yordayıcı korelasyon araştırma yönteminin kullanıldığı bu çalışmadaki veriler, Türkiye’deki dört devlet üniversitesinin eğitim fakültesinde öğrenim gören 423 üniversite öğrencisinden anket formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Standart çoklu regresyon analizi so...
An investigation of individual difference factors in online instruction
Yılmaz, Kıvanç; Sümer, Hayriye Canan; Department of Psychology (2006)
This thesis study analyzed the individual difference factors affecting the success of online instruction. The factors that were examined are mastery goal orientation, learning self efficacy, and conscientiousness. The success of online instruction was examined in terms of the knowledge and skill acquisition during training, the practice level, and program completion rate. To investigate the effects of the hypothesized factors, an online instruction program on time management, fast and effective reading, and...
Citation Formats
G. Eryol, “An analysis of college student’s perceived usage and importance of high speed internet : the case of metu students,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2008.
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