Deformability and weldability of S420a rebars used in Turkey

Kozluca, Mehmet


Deformaytions of hyperelliptic surfaces
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Wrinkling of graphene because of the thermal expansion mismatch between graphene and copper
Ogurtani, Omer Tarik; Senyildiz, Dogukan; Buke, Goknur Cambaz (Wiley, 2018-05-01)
Well-defined bundles of wrinkles are observed on the graphene-covered copper by using atomic force microscopy after chemical vapor deposition process. Their numerical analyses are performed by employing a set of formula deduced from classical elasticity theory of bent thin films with clamped boundary conditions. Here they are imposed by the banks of trenches associated with the reconstructed copper substrate surfaces, which suppress lateral movements of graphene monolayers and induce local biaxial stress. T...
Deflections of continuous reinforced concrete beams.
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Cracked strip problem subjected to a nonsymmetric transverse loading by a stamp.
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