Implementation of case-based instruction on electrochemistry at 11th grade level

Tarkın, Ayşegül
The main purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of case-based instruction over traditional instruction on eleventh grade high school students’ understanding of electrochemistry concepts. In addition, the effect of instruction on students’ attitudes toward chemistry, chemistry self-efficacy beliefs and motivation to learn chemistry were investigated. The study was carried out during 2010-2011 spring semester in three Anatolian high schools in Ankara, Turkey. A total of 113 (47 males and 66 females) eleventh grade students from six classes of three chemistry teachers participated in this study. One of the classes of each teacher was randomly assigned as the experimental and control group. The experimental group was instructed by case-based instruction while the control group was taught by traditionally designed instruction. Electrochemistry Concept Test, Attitude toward Chemistry Scale, High School Chemistry Self-efficacy Scale and Chemistry Motivation Questionnaire were administered as pre- and post-tests to students in both groups in order to measure the students’ understanding of electrochemistry concepts, attitudes toward chemistry, self-efficacy beliefs (self-efficacy for cognitive skills and chemistry laboratory), and motivation to learn chemistry (intrinsic motivation and relevance of learning chemistry to personal goals). In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of twelve students from both the experimental and control groups to get deep infromation about students’ understanding of electrochemistry concepts after the post-tests were administered. Moreover, a feedback form was administred to students in the experiemental group at the end of the study to get students’ opinions about the case-based instruction. The quantitative data were analyzed via descripitive and inferential statistics. One-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used to determine the effect of case-based instruction on students’ understanding of electrochemistry concepts, attitudes toward chemistry, self-efficacy for cognitive skills and chemistry laboratory, intrinsic motivation and perception about relevance of learning chemistry to personal goals. On the other hand, the qualitative data gathered from the interviews and feedback forms for case-based instruction were analyzed inductively. Results of MANOVA revealed that case-based instruction was an effective method to improve students’ understanding of electrochemistry concepts, attitude toward chemistry, and intrinsic motivation to learn chemistry. The qualitative data also supported the results of inferential statistics.


Implementation of case-based instruction on electrochemistry at the 11th grade level
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