Reshaping human intention in Human-Robot Interactions by robot moves A comparative analysis of HMM and OOM methods

Durdu, Akif
Erkmen, Aydan Müşerref
Yilmaz, Alper
This paper outlines the methodology and experiments associated with the reshaping of human intentions based on robot movements within Human-Robot Interactions (HRIs). Although studies on estimating human intentions are well studied in the literature, reshaping intentions through robot-initiated interactions is a new significant branching in the field of HRI. In this paper, we analyze how estimated human intentions can intentionally change through cooperation with mobile robots in real Human-Robot environments. This paper proposes an intention-reshaping system that includes either the Observable Operator Models (OOMs) or Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to estimate human intention and decide which moves a robot should perform to reshape previously estimated human intentions into desired ones. At the low level, the system needs to track the locations of all mobile agents using cameras. We test our system on videos taken in a real HRI environment that has been developed as our experimental setup. The results show that OOMs are faster than HMMs and both models give correct decisions for testing sequences.


Robotic system design for reshaping estimated human intention in human-robot interactions
Durdu, Akif; Erkmen, İsmet; Erkmen, Aydan Müşerref; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2012)
This thesis outlines the methodology and experiments associated with the reshaping of human intention via based on the robot movements in Human-Robot Interactions (HRI). Although works on estimating human intentions are quite well known research areas in the literature, reshaping intentions through interactions is a new significant branching in the field of human-robot interaction. In this thesis, we analyze how previously estimated human intentions change based on his/her actions by cooperating with mobile...
Language learning from the perspective of nonlinear dynamic systems
Hohenberger, Annette Edeltraud; Peltzer-Karpf, Annemarie (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2009-01-01)
This article outlines a nonlinear dynamic systems approach to language learning on the basis of developmental cognitive neuroscience. Language learning, on this view, is a process of experience-dependent shaping and selection of broadly defined domain-general and domain-specific genetic predispositions. The central concept of development is (neuro) cognitive,e growth in terms of self-organization. Linguistic structure-building is synergetic and emergent insofar as the acquisition of a critical mass of eleme...
Intentionality, communicative intentions and the implication of politeness
Ruhi, Suekriye (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2008-01-01)
Working within the relevance-theoretic paradigm (Sperber & Wilson 1995 [1986]), complemented with the cognitive linguistic approach (Johnson 1987; Lakoff & Johnson 1980), the paper proposes that politeness is an optional metarepresentation of an "interpersonal attitude" (Haugh 2007: 91) that concerns the domain of intentionality. The paper first addresses the issue of "noticed" vs. "unnoticed" politeness with respect to utterance processing and argues that "unnoticed" (conventional) politeness can exist in ...
Understanding conceptual processes through identity judgments via behavioral and neurophysiological methods
Çakar, Tuna; Hohenberger, Annette Edeltraud; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2015)
This dissertation aims to understand the cognitive and neural underpinnings of conceptual processes during identity judgments. Identity judgments are challenging philosophical problems that are influenced by several factors including spatiotemporal proximity and similarity. Initially, participants were asked to respond to a set of propositions (Conceptual Tendency Test, (CTT)) that were directly related to the core concept of identity, on a 5-point-Likert-scale (from 1 (totally agree”) to 5 (“totally disagr...
Verb concepts from affordances
Kalkan, Sinan; Yuerueten, Onur; Borghi, Anna M.; Şahin, Erol (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014-01-01)
In this paper, we investigate how the interactions of a robot with its environment can be used to create concepts that are typically represented by verbs in language. Towards this end, we utilize the notion of affordances to argue that verbs typically refer to the generation of a specific type of effect rather than a specific type of action. Then, we show how a robot can form these concepts through interactions with the environment and how humans can use these concepts to ease their communication with the r...