Physical social and economic carrying capacity concepts in tourism planning for environmentally sustained development

Postacıoğlu, Dilek


Physically interactive educational game design for children: defining design principles
İnal, Yavuz; Çağıltay, Kürşat; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2011)
Physically Interactive Games (PIGs) have emerged as a new game genre and potential as an educational tool in classrooms. In PIGs, children are allowed to interact with game environment and solving problems by using their bodily movements and voices without using mouse or keyboard by being active physically and cognitively. Designing PIGs is critical and difficult process because it is vital that educational content and entertainment parts of a game should be balanced properly considering interaction between...
Leisure constraints and negotiation strategies in tourism recreation: a comperative research with different cultures
Tek, Tolga; Koçak, Mehmet Settar; Department of Physical Education and Sports (2018)
The main problem of this study was to describe perceived constraints encountered and negotiation strategies utilized by foreign tourists in a recreational sport setting in different regions of Turkey. Moreover, discreteness in negotiation was examined according to gender, participation, the level and type of perceived constraint encountered. A questionnaire was conducted to a sample of randomly selected foreign tourists in different regions from Turkey. The modification study of Leisure Constraints Question...
Physical Space Social Capital and Collaborative Innovation The Case of Technoparks as Innovative Clusters
Wasti Pamuksuz, Syeda Nazlı; Jan, Dul (2016-09-08)
Fiziksel Etkileşimli Oyun Tasarımı Sürecinde Katılımcı Görüşlerinin Belirlenmesi
İnal, Yavuz; Çağıltay, Kürşat (2015)
Bu çalışma fiziksel etkileşime dayanan bilgisayar oyunlarının tasarım aşamasında katılımcı görüşlerinin belirlenmesini ve buna yönelik dikkat edilmesi gereken konuların ortaya konulmasını amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında 4 farklı fiziksel etkileşimli (fare ve klavyeye bağlı olmadan bir kamera aracılığıyla oynanabilen) bilgisayar oyunu geliştirilmiştir. Oyunların 2 tanesi hareket kontrollü etkileşim tasarımına sahip iken, diğer oyunlar hareket yönlendirmeli etkileşim tasarımına sahiptir. Çalışmada 5 erkek ...
Physical Space, Communication and Social Capital: The Case of Technoparks as Innovative Clusters
Wasti Pamuksuz, Syeda Nazlı; Jan, Dul (null; 2017-06-21)