Protective zinc phosphate coatings on carbon steel.


Strengthening effect of synthetic fabrics in flexible pavement overlays
Tunçay, Harun Tulu; Yüce, Rüştü; Department of Civil Engineering (1996)
Coating of iron oxide pellets for direct reduction
Basdag, A; Arol, Ali İhsan (2002-06-01)
Depending upon their chemical composition and, to a lesser extent, on their physical properties, iron oxide pellets exhibit varying degrees of sticking tendency during direct reduction at elevated temperatures. For an efficient shaft furnace operation in direct reduction (DR), it is imperative to prevent pellets from sticking to each other and, hence, forming clusters. Coating of pellets with a suitable inorganic material has increasingly been gaining recognition amongst the pellet producers and DR plant op...
Conducting composites of polypyrole.
Balcı, Nurcan; Bayramlı, Erdal; Toppare, Levent; Department of Science Education (1993)
Conducting polymer composites of polypyrrole and polyindene.
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Protection of MV and HV shunt capacitor banks.
Türkyılmaz, Ali Osman; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1987)