'Genis Zamanlar'

Çalışkan, Sevda


'Hayati Savunma Bicimleri'.
Çalışkan, Sevda (JSTOR, 1998-03-01)
“From the root of the old one” : reconfiguring individual and collective identities in Anglophone Afro-Caribbean poetry
Türe, Özlem; Sönmez, Margaret Jeanne M.; Department of Foreign Language Education (2007)
This thesis analyzes how Afro-Caribbean poets writing in English appropriate language and use memory as a thematic tool to articulate postcolonial identities. The present study is organized in three parts: the first part provides the necessary theoretical background regarding postcolonial theory, the politics of hybridity and resistance; the second part examines poets’ struggles over language and social forms of poetry; the third part deals with the site of memory as a revisionary tool in rewriting history ...
Freedom in Confinement: Women's Prison Narratives and the Politics of Possibility
Yıldız Bağçe, Hülya (Informa UK Limited, 2019-03-15)
This article explores the intersections of politics and aesthetics, in two different narrative modes, representing a gendered experience of the prison space by two women writers from the Middle East: Sevgi Soysal's memoir Yildirim Bolge Women's Ward (1976), on her days spent in the political prison of the military coup of 1971 in Turkey, and Salwa Bakr's novel The Golden Chariot Does Not Ascend to the Heavens (1991), narrating the fictional lives of incarcerated women in a civilian prison in Cairo. Both nar...
Çalışkan, Sevda (JSTOR, 1999-03-01)
"You Write in the Breeze of Knowledge, Not in Light of It" A Conversation with Hasan Ali Topta
Yıldız Bağçe, Hülya (World Literature Today, 2016-05-01)