A tax reform proposal for Turkey flat tax system

Özgün, Burcu
Derin Güre, Pınar
International Conference in Economics (EconWorld 2014), (02 - 06 Eylül 2014)


A Tax Reform Proposal for Turkey: Flat Tax System
Derin Güre, Pınar (2020-08-01)
Using a dynamic life cycle simulation model, this study aims to find macroeconomic effects of a flat tax reform for Turkish economy. Flat tax system removes all current tax rates and taxes all sources of income at the same rate by expensing the invest- ments in the year they are made. Although this is a simple tax system, the model projects significant increase in output as well as an increase in welfare by shifting from the graduated tax system to the flat tax.
A proposal for new marine protected areas along theTurkish Black Sea coast
Öztürk, Bayram; Topaloğlu, Bülent; Kıdeyş, Ahmet Erkan; Bat, Levent; Keskin, Çetin; Sezgin, Murat; Öztürk, Ayaka Amaha; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet (2012-01-01)
A Tax reform proposal for Turkey: flat tax system /
Özgün, Burcu; Derin Güre, Pınar; Department of Economics (2014)
This study compares the macroeconomic and welfare e ffects of a fundemantal tax reform, that is fl at tax system for the Turkish case by using a dynamic life-cycle simulation model. Flat tax system removes all current tax rates and taxes all sources of income at the same rate by expensing the investments at the year they are made. The model projects signi ficant increase in output by shifting from the current graduated tax system to the flat tax; as well as an increase in welfare.
A proposal for an electronic commerce model for Turkey-organisational approach
Oğuz, Eser Deniz; Erkip, Nesim; Aşkar, Murat; Department of Science and Technology Policy Studies (2000)
A strategy for implementing road safety audit of existing roads in Turkey
Çor, Ebru; İnal, Ayhan; Kahramangil, Müge; Department of Civil Engineering (2001)