Higher education to work transition of young people in Turkey: ambivalence, uncertainties and youth subjectivities

Bozkurt, Ekin
This paper explores final-year university students’ perceptions of labour market and future work. Higher education has long been considered as a gateway to a secure future in Turkey, however, the recent economic and political changes taking place and the changing labour market opportunities, no longer promise a ‘secure’ future for the youth. The rate of population with tertiary education among 25-34 age group in Turkey has risen from 13% in 2005 to 27% in 2015 according to the OECD. On the other hand, according to EUROSTAT data, the employment rate of university graduates (73%), remains as one of the lowest in comparison to the EU countries. Furthermore, in 2015 Turkey ranked third among the OECD countries in terms of graduate unemployment rate, with a score of 9%. In this context, focusing on young people at the point of higher-education-to-work transition in two public universities in capital of Turkey, this study aims to address the subjective dimension of a ‘transition’ experience, which is increasingly becoming uncertain. By conducting in-depth interviews with students at the verge of graduation, the study aims to understand how young people locate and construct their subjectivities in relation to their ambivalent futures in the labour market and world of work. The study argues that while youth transitions involve a dimension of reflexivity and agency, the transition itself is a historically grounded subjective experience. It also shows that specific social, economic and political context of higher education contribute to the dimension of uncertainty for young people in terms of their experience of transition to labour force and work.
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association ( 29 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2017)


Cost Efficiency Analyses of Optimally Sized Steel Frames for Economical Design of Medium-Rise Buildings
Hasançebi, Oğuzhan (2014-09-01)
The study, in this paper, investigates cost-efficient steel frameworks for economical design of medium-rise buildings. A total of 13 steel frames that incorporate various types of beam-column connection and bracing configuration are considered for detailed and comparative cost analyses. The numerical applications are performed using a 10-story building stiffened according to each of these steel frameworks to yield 13 test frames. First design optimizations are carried out in which the total member weight in...
Symbolic boundaries and social capital mobilization among low-income workers in Sincan, Turkey
Uyanık, İbrahim Kaan; Rittersberger Tılıç, Helga İda; Department of Sociology (2018)
This thesis explores how low-income workers mobilize their social capital in the labor market. Distinguishing accessed social capital from mobilized social capital, it analyzes the criteria of evaluation which low-income workers in their decision to give hand to their connections in job-finding assistance. It employs the concepts of symbolic boundaries and frames to understand why some individuals are deemed unworthy of helping in the labor market. It argues that symbolic boundaries, conceptual distinctions...
Book Review: On the Sociology of Dispossession in Contemporary India
Sari, Enes (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2020-12)
Michael Levien, Dispossession without Development Land Grabs in Neoliberal India, Oxford University Press, 2018, 332 pp., ISBN: 9780190859152.
Work Strategies of Immigrants and the Construction and Circulation of Myths in London
Vasta, Ellie; Erdemir, Aykan (2010-01-01)
The research presented in this paper emerges from the Immigrant Work Strategies and Networks Project. The project focused on the experiences of Ghanaian, Portuguese, Romanian, Turkish and British-born respondents (both male and female) in London, between 2004 and 2006, using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. In this article, our goal is to explore the role of imperfect information in the immigrant settlement process and destination society policies. More specifically, we examine the nature of informat...
European Union innovativeness from the perspective of systems of innovation and complex systems
Çetinkaya, Umut Yılmaz; Erdil, Erkan; Department of Science and Technology Policy Studies (2014)
This study analyzes the innovativeness of European Union. Literature related with complex systems, Systems of Innovation, network studies, Framework Programmes and European Research Area will be used to establish a theoretical framework for a policy analysis to increase the innovativeness of European Union. First of all, this Thesis analyzes system dimension of Systems of Innovation in terms of complex systems. Secondly, it forms a database from Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS...