Three dimensional modelling


Three dimensional rocket nozzle design using adjoint method
Eyi, Sinan (2013-09-16)
A design optimization method based on three dimensional Euler equations is developed. A finite volume method is implemented to discretize the Euler equations. Newton's method is used to solve the discretized form of Euler equations. Newton's method requires the calculation of the Jacobian matrix which is the derivative of the residual vector with respect to the flux vector. Different upwind methods are used in the calculation of flux vectors. Numerical and analytical methods are utilized in the evaluation o...
Three dimensional rocket nozzle design using adjoint method
Eyi, Sinan (2013-01-01)
A design optimization method based on three dimensional Euler equations is developed. A finite volume method is implemented to discretize the Euler equations. Newton’s method is used to solve the discretized form of Euler equations. Newton’s method requires the calculation of the Jacobian matrix which is the derivative of the residual vector with respect to the flux vector. Different upwind methods are used in the calculation of flux vectors. Numerical and analytical methods are utilized in the evaluation o...
Three Dimensional Grain Design Optimizationof Solid Rocket Motors
Yücel, Osman; Sevda, Açık; Atılgan, Toker; Dursunkaya, Zafer; Aksel, Mehmet Haluk (null; 2015-06-19)
This study investigates the ballistic design optimization of three-dimensional grains of solid rocket motors (SRMs). The geometric modeling and burnback analysis of grains are performed analytically by using basic geometries like cylinder, cone, prism, sphere, ellipsoid, and torus. For the internal ballistic analysis, a quasi-steady zero-dimensional flow solver is used. Three different optimization methods are considered: real-coded genetic algorithm (GA), binary genetic algorithm and complex method. The op...
Three dimensional hyperbolic grid generation
Dinçgez, Umut Can; Aksel, Mehmet Haluk; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2006)
This thesis analyzes procedure of generation of hyperbolic grids formulated by two constraints, which specify grid orthogonality and cell volume. The procedure was applied on a wide range of geometries and high quality two and three dimensional hyperbolic grids were generated by using grid control and smoothing procedures, which supply grid clustering in all directions and prevent grid deformation (grid shock), respectively.
Three dimensional hyperbolic grid generation
Durmuş, Gökhan; Kavsaoğlu, Mehmet Ş.; Department of Aeronautical Engineering (1998)