Başkent Ankara’nın İmarı İçin Şehircilik Yarışması (1927) Alman ve Fransız Kent Planlama Okullarının İki Öncüsü Hermann Jansen ve Léon Jaussely’nin Planlama Yaklaşımları



Influences of political regime shifts on the urban scene of a capital city case study: Tiran
Bleta, Indrit; Turan Özkaya, Belgin; Department of History of Architecture (2010)
On the eve of the twentieth century, the dismembering of old empires brought the formation of many new nation states, therefore of emerging new capitals. Becoming independent in 1912, Albania chose its definitive capital, Tirana, in 1920. Since then, the city has been a showcase of planning and architectural interventions for various regimes that have come in power, and its centre was and still is seen as a possibility to show the political ideals of each. The aim of this study is to examine how this import...
Başkent’in Tasarım Sorunsalı
Çalışkan, Olgu (2017-10-01)
Attitudes, motivation and study habits of english language learners: the case of Başkent University second-year students
Çolak, Ahmet; Daloğlu, Ayşegül; Department of English Literature (2008)
This thesis aimed to investigate Ba"kent University second-year students’ attitudes towards English, motivation to learn English and their general and vocabulary study habits with respect to their motivation levels. It also attempted to examine the relationship between students’ attitudes and their grades and departments. In addition, it explored the students’ motivation and motivation orientation levels, and looked into the correlations between the students’ motivation, motivation orientation levels and th...
The preditive validity of Başkent University proficiency exam (BUEPE) through the use of the three-parameter IRT model's ability estimates
Yeğin, Oya Perim; Berberoğlu, Halil Giray; Department of Educational Sciences (2003)
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the predictive validity of the BUEPE through the use of the three-parameter IRT model̕s ability estimates. The study made use of the BUEPE September 2000 data which included the responses of 699 students. The predictive validity was established by using the departmental English courses (DEC) passing grades of a total number of 371 students. As for the prerequisite analysis the best fitted model of IRT was determined by first, checking the assumptions of IRT...
Use of language learning strategies in relation to student characteristics at Başkent University
Tunç (Özgür), Sabiha; Ok, Ahmet; Department of Educational Sciences (2003)
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between university students̕ use of language learning strategies, achievement, gender, span of learning English, type of high school they graduated from, and attitude toward English. Two instruments were used for data collection purposes: The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) developed by Oxford (1990) and Aiken̕s Attitude Scale (1979). The instruments were administered to 153 university students from the different streams at the Prepar...