The Interplay between Self Compassion, Attachment Security Relational Attributions on Relationship Functioning


The Interplay between self compassion, attachment security & relational attributions on marital functioning
Terzi, Hilal; Sümer, Nebi; Department of Psychology (2015)
This thesis aims to investigate the dyadic effects of adult attachment orientations, self-compassion, and relational attributions on marital functioning (i.e., marital satisfaction and conflict) with a double-mediation model. It is expected that couples’ marital functioning will be predicted by a set of two sequential links from adult attachment dimensions to self-compassion and then to relational attributions. In this study, spouses’ attachment related anxiety was expected to predict their self-compassion ...
The association between organizational culture and individual factors on medical practice
Saraç, Çakıl; Lajunen, Timo; Department of Psychology (2007)
The aim of the present research was to investigate the relationships between patient safety culture within hospitals and individual factors on medical practice among physicians. A total of 240 physicians from ten different hospitals completed the Medical Practice Questionnaire, Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, Maslach Burnout Inventory and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised- Abbreviated Form. In order to assess frequency and types of medical errors, Medical Practice Questionnaire was develo...
The Relationship between traumatic life experiences, locus of control and driver behaviors
Öz, Cansu; Özkan, Türker; Öz, Bahar; Department of Psychology (2016)
The aim of the current study was to investigate effects of traumatic life experience on driver behaviors by measuring their world assumption and posttraumatic growth and to evaluate indirect effect of locus of control between world assumptions and driver behaviors. The total of 533 Turkish drivers participated to study and they were assigned to study groups in terms of reported traumatic experience. In traffic trauma group, there was 120 drivers who reported experiencing only traffic accident. 231 drivers w...
The relationship between organizational citizenship behavior, organizational culture and organizational commitment
Arıkan, Elif; Yılmaz, Özlem Özdemir; Department of Business Administration (2011)
Organizational citizenship behaviors are extra-role behaviors that are neither enforced on the basis of formal role obligations nor guarantee compensation such as promotion or salary. Previous researches focused on organizational commitment as an antecedent and a predictor and organizational culture as a predictor of organizational citizenship behavior. However, there has not been any detailed research exploring the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment, and org...
The Relationship Between Interpersonal Problems and Driver Behaviors
Özer, Özge; Öz, Bahar (null; 2017-07-14)
Employee satisfaction is considered to be one of the most important drivers of quality, customer satisfaction and productivity. In this study we investigate an important driver of employee satisfaction. We argue that interpersonal trust ( trust in management and trust in peers) strongly influences employee satisfaction and, as a consequence, employee loyalty. To test the relationships between these constructs we measured trust in management and trust in peers, satisfaction and loyalty of employees of an Aus...