Cloaking Dynamics on Lubricant-Infused Surfaces

Günay, Ahmet Alperen
Sett, Soumyadip
Ge, Qiaoyu
Zhang, Tiejun
Miljkovic, Nenad
Lubricant-infused surfaces (SLIPSs/LISs) enable omniphobicity by reducing droplet pinning through creation of an atomically smooth liquid-liquid interface. Although SLIPSs/LISs provide efficient omniphobicity, the need for lubricant adds additional barriers to heat and mass transport and affects three-phase contact line dynamics. Here, evaporation dynamics of microscale water droplets on SLIPSs/LISs are investigated using steady and transient methods. Although steady results demonstrate that evaporation on SLIPSs/LISs is identical to solid functional surfaces having equivalent apparent contact angle, transient measurements show significant increases in evaporation timescale. To understand the inconsistency, high-speed optical imaging is used to study the evaporating droplet free interface. Focal plane shift imaging enables the study of cloaking dynamics by tracking satellite microdroplet motion on the cloaked oil layer to characterize critical timescales. By decoupling the effect of substrate material and working fluid via experiments on both microstructured copper oxide and nanostructured boehmite with water and ethanol, it is demonstrated that lubricant cloaking cannot be predicted purely by thermodynamic considerations. Rather, coalescence dynamics, droplet formation, and surface interactions play important roles on establishing cloaking. The outcomes of this work shed light onto the physics of lubricant cloaking, and provide a powerful experimental platform to characterize droplet interfacial phenomena.


Vibration suppression of an elastic beam via sliding mode control
Itik, Mehmet; SALAMCİ, METİN UYMAZ; Ulker, F. Demet (2005-09-09)
This paper presents experimental results of sliding mode control (SMC) technique applied to an elastic beam. The aim of the controller is to suppress first two vibration modes of the beam. Mathematical model of the beam is a finite dimensional model obtained from the Bernoulli-Euler beam equation. As the system states are to be available in order to design the SMC, an observer has been designed to obtain the states of the system by measuring tip deflection of the beam. By using observed states of the finite...
Optimized spacer layer thickness for plasmonic-induced enhancement of photocurrent in a-Si:H
Saleh, Z. M.; NASSER, H; ÖZKOL, E; GÜNÖVEN, M; Abak, Musa Kurtuluş; Canlı, Sedat; Bek, Alpan; Turan, Raşit (2015-10-24)
Plasmonic interfaces consisting of silver nanoparticles of different sizes (50-100 nm) have been processed by the self-assembled dewetting technique and integrated to hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) using SiNx spacer layers to investigate the dependence of optical trapping enhancement on spacer layer thickness through the enhancements in photocurrent. Samples illuminated from the a-Si:H side exhibit a localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) that is red-shifted with the increasing particle size an...
Evaporation-Induced Biomolecule Detection on Versatile Superhydrophilic Patterned Surfaces: Glucose and DNA Assay
Beyazkılıç Ayas, Pınar; Saateh, Abtin; Bayindir, Mehmet; Elbuken, Caglar (2018-10-01)
We introduce a droplet-based biomolecular detection platform using robust, versatile, and low-cost superhydrophilic patterned superhydrophobic surfaces. Benefitting from confinement and evaporation-induced shrinkage of droplets on wetted patterns, we show enrichment-based biomolecular detection using very low sample volumes. First, we developed a glucose assay using fluorescent polydopamine (PDA) based on enhancement of PDA emission by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) produced in enzyme-mediated glucose oxidation r...
Robustness Adaptive Control For a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Rebouh, S.; Kaddouri, A.; Abdessemed, R.; Haddoun, A. (2011-09-10)
This paper presents a vector control permanent magnet synchronous motor drive using backstepping control design. Backstopping control is proposed for replacing the existing PI controller to obtain high performance motion control systems for the speed control loop. Stability analysis based on Lyapunov theory is also performed to guarantee the convergence of the speed tracking error from all possible initials conditions. Computer simulations have been carried out in order to validate the effectiveness of the ...
Nano patterning of AISI 316L stainless steel with Nonlinear Laser Lithography: Sliding under dry and oil-lubricated conditions
Gnilitskyi, Iaroslav; Rotundo, Fabio; Martini, Carla; Pavlov, Ihor; Ilday, Serim; Vovk, Evgeny; Ilday, Fatih Omer; Orazi, Leonardo (2016-07-01)
Femtosecond laser-based Nonlinear Laser Lithography (NLL) was applied to AISI 316L stainless steel, which requires surface modification to achieve satisfactory tribological behaviour. NLL advances over the well-known Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS) in terms of uniformity and long-range order of high speeds, over large areas. A galvanometric scanner head was used for an high production rate. Dry and lubricated sliding tests, considering different orientations of the nanotexture showed that ...