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Test und Inbetriebnahme einer Kamera für Cherenkov Teleskope


Glück,  Bernhard
Division Prof. Dr. Werner Hofmann, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Glück, B. (2006). Test und Inbetriebnahme einer Kamera für Cherenkov Teleskope. Diploma Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls Universität, Heidelberg.

High energy cosmic ray particles generate particle showers in the earth's atmosphere. Cherenkov telescopes detect Cherenkov light from these showers to get information on the primary particles and their sources. A camera for use in future Cherenkov telescopes has been developed at the Max-Planck-Instute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg and a prototype has been produced for systematic test in the laboratory. The camera design based on the concept of a Smart Pixel. One Smart Pixel consists of a photodetector (photomultiplier), a corresponding high voltage converter and the electronics for signal handling. The pixel electronics includes the first time-critical circuitry of the trigger system. The information of the air shower images consists of the integrated amplitude of the photodetector signal and the relative point in time of the pixel trigger in comparison with the camera trigger. This thesis descripes the commissioning and calibration of the prototype. The quality of amplitude and time measurement and tests of the trigger system of the camera are described. The dead time of the camera is estimated by an examination of the digitalisation and read out processes. The prototype achieves all performance specifications.