Fatigue life reassessment of monopile-supported offshore wind turbine structures
Petrovska, Elize
The UK has seen a rapid growth of the offshore wind industry over the past
two decades, from a single 4MW project commissioned in 2000 to more than
11GW installed capacity in the UK waters by 2022. The majority of existing (and
projected near future) offshore wind turbines (OWTs) are supported by fixedbottom
monopile foundations. Operational experience to date has highlighted
the long-term structural integrity of the foundations as one of the key Operations
& Maintenance challenges. This is due to high levels of uncertainty caused by
stochastic through-life variations in site environmental conditions, as well as their
influence on the remaining operational life and end-of-life decision making regarding
OWT assets. However, the re-evaluation of structural integrity during operations
is complicated by a lack of established standards or industry best practice, leading
to inconsistent and potentially expensive assessment processes.
This thesis investigates the methodologies for structural lifetime reassessment of
monopile-supported OWTs based on the operational knowledge obtained from
site monitoring, design information and numerical modelling, and applies them to
a Round 1 offshore wind farm to illustrate their potential and shortcomings. The
data-centric part of the work presents a detailed analysis of strain monitoring data,
coupled with operational and environmental measurements, towards a data-based
fatigue life reassessment. The work highlights a significant extent of overdesign
and quantifies the remaining structural reserves of the wind turbine for various
operational scenarios to be in excess of 100 years. The numerical modelling
part of this research comprises development of a corresponding turbine-specific
numerical model to predict the remaining useful life, coupled with a sensitivity
analysis to highlight the variables that cause the highest variability in fatigue life.
Structural parameters such as damping and corrosion, as well as environmental
load uncertainties in wind speed, turbulence and wave height are shown to have
the highest influence on fatigue life. Finally, a combination of the two parts
allows for the validation of the numerical model against site measurement data
and thus verifies the fidelity of the fatigue predictions. The application of the
numerical model allows for fatigue life estimation along the whole foundation, with
a remaining life in excess of 50 years identified at the critical point. The methods
illustrated throughout this work are of industrial value in a rapidly increasing
sector, as the coupling of monitoring data and numerical simulations are used
towards increased confidence of lifetime reassessments to result in end-of-life
decision making and potential life extension.