Repositori institucional URV
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The differentiated role of language knowledge and linguistic acculturation strategies in the configuration of occupational aspirations: the case of the descendants of migrants in Western Catalonia - imarina:9187112

URV's Author/s:Alarcón Alarcón, Amado
Author, as appears in the article.:Lapresta-Rey, Cecilio; Janes, Judit; Alarcon, Amado
Author identifier:0000-0003-4640-2681
Journal publication year:2023
Publication Type:Journal Publications
APA:Lapresta-Rey, Cecilio; Janes, Judit; Alarcon, Amado (2023). The differentiated role of language knowledge and linguistic acculturation strategies in the configuration of occupational aspirations: the case of the descendants of migrants in Western Catalonia. International Journal Of Multilingualism, 20(2), 153-168. DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2021.1898615
Paper original source:International Journal Of Multilingualism. 20 (2): 153-168
Abstract:One of the most influential factors in the future access to the labour market of a young descendant of migrants is their occupational aspirations. Sociodemographic, socio-cultural, and socio-professional family elements or knowledge of languages are key in their formation. But in bilingual societies like Catalonia, the symbolism associated with languages is an added complexity. Thus, this article aims to analyse the influence and predictive power of linguistic knowledge and linguistic acculturation profiles on occupational aspirations, using a questionnaire completed by 205 young people of African, European, and Latin American origin in Lleida. The findings indicate that better knowledge of Catalan and a profile of linguistic acculturation which emphasises this language predict above-mean occupational aspirations. Knowledge of Spanish has an unclear role and a profile prioritising Spanish is a negative predictor. We conclude that language knowledge becomes a resource 'through' its symbolic value, questioning theories postulating that multilingualism always allows/facilitates access to better occupations.
Article's DOI:10.1080/14790718.2021.1898615
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Department:Gestió d'Empreses
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Thematic Areas:Linguistics and language
Language and linguistics
Language & linguistics
Filologia, lingüística i sociolingüística
Education & educational research
Ciencias sociales
Ciencias humanas
Keywords:Occupational aspirations
Linguistic acculturation
Language knowledge
Descendants of immigrants
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Record's date:2025-02-19
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