Obtaining the ideal smoked bacon: What is the influence of the product space and multivariate procedure to construct the external preference mapping?
Obtaining the ideal smoked bacon: What is the influence of the product space and multivariate procedure to construct the external preference mapping?
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Saldana, E
Martins, MM
Menegali, BS
Selani, MM
Contreras-Castillo, CJ
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Identifying the ideal product is the most important step in new product development and improvement of existing ones. The aim of this study was to identify the ideal smoked bacon using PrefMFA and PrefMap considering three different sensory spaces obtained via descriptive analysis (DA), projectivemapping (PM) and CATA questions. Six smoked bacons were characterized by ten trained assessors using DA, and by two consumers panel using PM (n=93) and CATA questions (n=100). Also, one hundred consumers indicated their overall liking using a nine-point hedonic scale. The results showed that both techniques identified an ideal product. However, the sensory method has a greater effect than the multivariate procedure to obtain the sensory spaces prior to the preference mapping. Subsequent studies with other food matrices are still necessary in order to generalize our results.
The authors are grateful to the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, Brazil), for funding the project No.2016/15012-2.Erick Saldaña would like to thank the ‘‘Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, TecnologÃa e Innovación Tecnológica"(CONCYTEC, Peru) for the Ph.D Scholarship (Contract 104-2016-FONDECYT).Mariana Marinho Martins and Beatriz Schmidt Menegali acknowledges Coordination for the Impro-vement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for the MS cscholarship
Sensory profile,
Overall liking,
Ideal bacon