Romatoid artritte total antioksidan status (tas), total oksidan status (TOS), iskemi modifiye albumin (ima) düzeylerinin hastalık aktivitesi ve insülin direnci ile ilişkisi
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Romatoid artrit (RA); etyolojisi belli olmayan, sistemik bulgular gösteren, kronik, inflamatuar bir hastalıktır. Oksidatif stres ve yetersiz antioksidan savunma RA etyolojisi ve eklem hasarı patogenezinde önemli role sahip olup çeşitli deformitelere neden olabilir. RA'da görülen inflamasyon da doku hasarına yol açarak oksidatif stresi arttırır. Oksidatif stres RA'da sıklığının arttığı düşünülen insülin direnci patogenezinde rol oynar. Aynı zamanda insülin direnci sonucu gelişen hiperglisemi de oksidatif stresi arttırır. İnsülin direnci, RA, oksidatif stres üçlüsü arasındaki ilişki oldukça kompleks ve çözümü zor bir problem gibi durmaktadır. İnflamatuvar hastalıklar, oksidatif stres ve insülin direnci arasındaki ilişki, biri diğerini tetikleyebilen veya düzeyini arttırabilen bir kısır döngü gibi görünmektedir. RA'da gelişebilen komplikasyonların önlenmesinde, bu modifiye edilebilir kısır döngü oldukça önemli olabilir. Amaç: RA hastalarında koroner kalp hastalığı (KKH) riskinde artış olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Ancak KKH riskindeki bu artış çoğu zaman klasik risk faktörleri ile açıklanamamaktadır. Hastalıkta görülen hızlanmış aterosklerozdan, ek risk faktörleri olarak, oksidatif stres ve/veya insülin direnci gibi metabolik değişiklikler sorumlu olabilir. Bu çalışmada, RA hastalarında oksidatif stres markırı olan İMA, vücuttaki total oksidan ve antioksidan durumu belirten OSİ düzeyi ve homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) indeksinin belirlenmesi ve oksidatif stres ile insülin direnci arasındaki olası ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Yöntem-Bulgular: Romatoid Artrit tanısı almış, aldıkları tedavi, hastalık süresi ve vücut kitle indeksi açısından benzer 52 hasta (%78,8'i kadın, %21,2'si erkek ve ortalama yaşları; 55±10,5) ve 30 sağlıklı kontrol (%76,7'si kadın, %23,3'ü erkek ve ortalama yaşları; 54,2±15,4) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hasta ve kontrol grubuna sigara, alkol alışkanlığı, demografik bilgiler, kullanılan ilaçlar, hastalık ve tedavi süresini içeren anket uygulandı. Hastaların hastalık süresi ortalaması 7,7±5,7 yıl, tedavi süresi ortalaması 6,5±5,6 yıl idi. RA hastalık aktivitesi DAS-28 kullanılarak hesaplandı. DAS-28 ortalaması 4,3±1,4; VAS ortalaması 46,02±30,17 idi. Katılımcılardan venöz kan alındı, santrifüj edilerek ayrılan serumlarından TAS, TOS, İMA, insülin ve rutin testler çalışıldı. TAS, TOS otoanalizör ile fotometrik, İMA manuel olarak spektrofotometrik yöntemle, insülin ise otoanalizörde sandviç kemilüminesans yöntemi ile analiz edildi. HOMA-IR formülü ile insülin direnci hesaplandı. Hasta grubunda OSİ, ESR, HDL, PLT değerleri kontrol grubundan yüksekti ve aradaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (sırasıyla p=0,002, p=0,012, p=0,025, p=0,014). Hemoglobin ve hematokrit değerleri ise kontrol grubundan düşük bulunmuş olup gruplar arası fark istatistiksel olarak önemliydi (sırasıyla p=0,05, p=0,012). HOMA-IR, hasta ve kontrol grubu arasında benzerdi. İstatistiksel olarak gruplar arası fark anlamlı değildi (p:0,308). DAS-28 ile İMA ve ESR arasında güçlü pozitif yönlü korelasyon (sırasıyla p:0,0001 ve p:0,0001); DAS-28 ile albumin, ALT, MCV, değişkenleri arasında zayıf negatif yönlü korelasyon saptandı (sırasıyla p:0,01 p:0,045, p:0,036). DAS-28 ile OSİ ve CRP arasında herhangi bir korelasyon saptanmadı. VAS ile İMA, DAS-28, ve ESR arasında anlamlı pozitif yönde korelasyon bulundu (sırasıyla p:0,0001; p:0,0001; p:0,018). VAS ile albumin arasında ise anlamlı negatif yönde korelasyon saptandı (p:0,031). Diğer parametrelerle VAS arasında ise anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmadı. HOMA-IR ile hastalık aktivite skoru, ağrı skoru, OSİ, İMA arasında ise herhangi bir korelasyon tesbit edilmedi (sırasıyla p:0,098; p:0,346; p:0,736; p:0,761). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda kronik inflamatuar bir hastalık olan RA'da oksidatif stres artmıştır, hastalık aktivitesi oksidatif stres ile ilişkili olarak saptanmıştır. Çoğu çalışmada hastalıkta arttığı ve oksidatif stresle de ilişkili olduğu belirtilen insülin direnci, bizim çalışmamızda gruplar arasında fark göstermemiştir ve oksidatif stresle de ilişkili bulunmamıştır. İnsülin direnci, RA, oksidatif stres üçlüsü arasındaki ilişki oldukça kompleks ve çözümü zor bir problem gibi durmaktadır ve birbiriyle çelişkili sonuçlar sorunu daha da karmaşık bir hale getirmektedir.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systemic, chronic, inflammatory condition the cause of which is unknown. Oxidative stress and insufficient antioxidant defense have an important role in the pathogenesis of joint damage and etiology in RA, can cause various deformities. The inflammation in RA increases oxidative stress by tissue damage. Oxidative stress plays a role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance which is thought to be increased in RA. Hyperglycemia caused by insulin resistance also increases the oxidative stress. The relationship between insulin resistance, RA and oxidative stress seems to be a very complex and difficult problem to solve. The relationship between three clinical situation seems to be a vicious circle one can increase the level of the other triggers. This modifiable vicious cycle can be quite significant to prevent the complications that can occur in RA. Aim: In RA patients, increased risk of coronary heart disease has proven to be rised. However, this increased risk of coronary heart disease, can not be explained by traditional risk factors generally. The metabolic changes such as oxidative stress and/or insulin resistance, in addition to the risk factors, can be responsible about accelerated atherosclerosis in this disease. In this study we purposed to determine IMA as a marker of oxidative stress, OSI levels that indicate total oxidant and antioxidant status in the body and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and to evaluate the possible association between oxidative stress and insulin resistance. Method and Results: 52 participants (%78,8 female, %21,2 male and mean age; 55±10,5) diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis with similar characteristics about treatment, disease duration and body mass index and 30 healthy subjects (%76,7 female, %23,3 male and mean age; 54,2±15,4) with similar characteristics were included in the study. We applied a questionnaire that include smoking, alcohol consumption, demographic information, medications, duration of illness and treatment to the RA and healthy subjects. Patients' mean illness duration was 7,7±5,7 years, mean treatment duration was 6,5±5,6 years. RA disease activity was calculated using DAS-28. Mean DAS-28 value was 4,3±1,4; mean VAS value was 46,02±30,17. Blood was obtained from participants and separeted to sera by centrifuging and routine tests, TAS, TOS, IMA, insulin were studied. TAS, TOS were analyzed with photometric method by autoanalyzer, IMA was analyzed with spectrophotometric method manually and insulin was analyzed with chemiluminescence sandwich method by autoanalyser. Insulin resistance was calculated by the formula of HOMA-IR. In RA group, OSI, ESR, HDL, PLT values were higher than the control group and this difference was statistically significant (respectively p=0,002, p=0,012, p=0,025, p=0,014). Hemoglobin and hematocrit values were lower than control group and the difference between groups was statistically significant (respectively p=0,05, p=0,012). HOMA-IR was similar between patient and control groups and difference was not statistically significant (p:0,308). We found positive strong correlation between DAS-28 and İMA, ESR (respectively p:0,0001 ve p:0,0001); weak negative correlation between DAS-28 and albumin, ALT, MCV variables (respectively p:0,01 p:0,045, p:0,036). We found no correlation between OSİ and CRP. We found significant positive correlation between VAS and İMA, DAS-28 and ESR variables (respectively p:0,0001; p:0,0001; p:0,018). We found significant negative correlation between VAS and albumin (p:0,031). No correlation was determined between VAS and the other parameters. There was no correlation between HOMA-IR and disease activity score, pain score, OSI, IMA (respectively p:0,098; p:0,346; p:0,736; p:0,761). Conclusion: Oxidative stres was increased in RA which is a chronic inflammatory disease in our study, disease activity was found to be associated with oxidative stress. In most study insulin resistance that is known as increasing in RA and related with oxidative stress has been showed no difference between the groups in our study and wasn't found related with oxidative stress. The relationship between insulin resistance, RA and oxidative stress seems to be a very complex and difficult problem to solve and conflicting results makes the problem even more complex.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systemic, chronic, inflammatory condition the cause of which is unknown. Oxidative stress and insufficient antioxidant defense have an important role in the pathogenesis of joint damage and etiology in RA, can cause various deformities. The inflammation in RA increases oxidative stress by tissue damage. Oxidative stress plays a role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance which is thought to be increased in RA. Hyperglycemia caused by insulin resistance also increases the oxidative stress. The relationship between insulin resistance, RA and oxidative stress seems to be a very complex and difficult problem to solve. The relationship between three clinical situation seems to be a vicious circle one can increase the level of the other triggers. This modifiable vicious cycle can be quite significant to prevent the complications that can occur in RA. Aim: In RA patients, increased risk of coronary heart disease has proven to be rised. However, this increased risk of coronary heart disease, can not be explained by traditional risk factors generally. The metabolic changes such as oxidative stress and/or insulin resistance, in addition to the risk factors, can be responsible about accelerated atherosclerosis in this disease. In this study we purposed to determine IMA as a marker of oxidative stress, OSI levels that indicate total oxidant and antioxidant status in the body and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and to evaluate the possible association between oxidative stress and insulin resistance. Method and Results: 52 participants (%78,8 female, %21,2 male and mean age; 55±10,5) diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis with similar characteristics about treatment, disease duration and body mass index and 30 healthy subjects (%76,7 female, %23,3 male and mean age; 54,2±15,4) with similar characteristics were included in the study. We applied a questionnaire that include smoking, alcohol consumption, demographic information, medications, duration of illness and treatment to the RA and healthy subjects. Patients' mean illness duration was 7,7±5,7 years, mean treatment duration was 6,5±5,6 years. RA disease activity was calculated using DAS-28. Mean DAS-28 value was 4,3±1,4; mean VAS value was 46,02±30,17. Blood was obtained from participants and separeted to sera by centrifuging and routine tests, TAS, TOS, IMA, insulin were studied. TAS, TOS were analyzed with photometric method by autoanalyzer, IMA was analyzed with spectrophotometric method manually and insulin was analyzed with chemiluminescence sandwich method by autoanalyser. Insulin resistance was calculated by the formula of HOMA-IR. In RA group, OSI, ESR, HDL, PLT values were higher than the control group and this difference was statistically significant (respectively p=0,002, p=0,012, p=0,025, p=0,014). Hemoglobin and hematocrit values were lower than control group and the difference between groups was statistically significant (respectively p=0,05, p=0,012). HOMA-IR was similar between patient and control groups and difference was not statistically significant (p:0,308). We found positive strong correlation between DAS-28 and İMA, ESR (respectively p:0,0001 ve p:0,0001); weak negative correlation between DAS-28 and albumin, ALT, MCV variables (respectively p:0,01 p:0,045, p:0,036). We found no correlation between OSİ and CRP. We found significant positive correlation between VAS and İMA, DAS-28 and ESR variables (respectively p:0,0001; p:0,0001; p:0,018). We found significant negative correlation between VAS and albumin (p:0,031). No correlation was determined between VAS and the other parameters. There was no correlation between HOMA-IR and disease activity score, pain score, OSI, IMA (respectively p:0,098; p:0,346; p:0,736; p:0,761). Conclusion: Oxidative stres was increased in RA which is a chronic inflammatory disease in our study, disease activity was found to be associated with oxidative stress. In most study insulin resistance that is known as increasing in RA and related with oxidative stress has been showed no difference between the groups in our study and wasn't found related with oxidative stress. The relationship between insulin resistance, RA and oxidative stress seems to be a very complex and difficult problem to solve and conflicting results makes the problem even more complex.
Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Biyokimya Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry