Aile Sirketlerinde İnsan Kaynaklari Yonetimi
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Gunumuz dunyasinda kuresellesme ile beraber surekli gelisen ve degisen sosyo ekonomik surec isletmeler arasindaki rekabeti arttirmakta ve bu ortamda varliklarini surdurebilmek icin kendilerini farkli kilmalarini saglayacak tek kaynak olan insan kaynaginayonelmelerini saglamaktadir. Turkiye ve dunyadaki isletmelerin buyuk bolumunu olusturanaile sirketleri de hem bu rekabet ortaminda varligini surdurebilmek hem de yapisindankaynaklanan sorunlari asabilmek icin insan kaynaklari yonetimi ve uygulamalarina basvurmaktadirlar. Bu arastirmada aile sirketlerinin yapisi ve karsilastiklari sorunlar insan kaynaklari yonetimi ve uygulamalari ile aile sirketlerinde insan kaynaklari uygulamalarinin etkileri ele alinmistir. Arastirma sonucunda insan kaynaklari yonetimi ve uygulamalarini etkin olarak kullanan buyuk olcekli sirketlerin kurumsallasarak buyudukleri gorulmustur. Dolayisi ile insan kaynaklari yonetimi ve uygulamalarini etkin kullanan dogru insan kaynagi ile bunu gerceklestiren aile sirketlerinin yapisindan kaynaklanan sorunlari asarak kurumsallastiklari ve basariya ulastiklari gozlemlenmistir.
The constant progress of the socio-economic development in our time has triggered competition worldwide which makes industrial and commercial establishments divert to human resources in order to distinguish themselves and survive. Family enterprises both in Turkey and other countries, therefore, apply to human resources management so as to overcome such problems deriving from their structures.This study tackle the family companies? structure and their problems together with effiencies of human resources management to them. Studies show that major companies who efficiently benefit from the principles of human resources have made remarkable headway. Additionally the family companies which benefit from human resources management and functions can solve the structural problems and catch the successfull and institutionalized line.
The constant progress of the socio-economic development in our time has triggered competition worldwide which makes industrial and commercial establishments divert to human resources in order to distinguish themselves and survive. Family enterprises both in Turkey and other countries, therefore, apply to human resources management so as to overcome such problems deriving from their structures.This study tackle the family companies? structure and their problems together with effiencies of human resources management to them. Studies show that major companies who efficiently benefit from the principles of human resources have made remarkable headway. Additionally the family companies which benefit from human resources management and functions can solve the structural problems and catch the successfull and institutionalized line.
Aile Şirketleri, İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Family Companies, Human Reseurces Management