Decrease in Mental Health Among Adolescent Students




Jones, Courtni
Thompson, Erika


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Background: Persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness has increased among adolescent high school students over time. Lack of physical activity has been identified as a risk factor for persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. The purpose of this study was to understand the epidemiology of persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness and its association with physical activity among adolescents.

Methods: Data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), 2019, consisted of N=13,677. The main variable analyzed was 'felt sad or hopeless’(yes/no)and the association variable was 'were not physically active at least 60 minutes/day on all 7 days of the week’ (yes/no). Demographic variables measured: sex, race/ethnicity, grade, and sexual orientation. Statistical analysis used: logistic regression model, chi-squared test, and t-test using the YRBS data explorer tool.

Results: The current (2019) prevalence of feelings of sadness or hopelessness among adolescents is 36.7%, an increase from previous years. Rates for feelings of sadness and hopelessness were highest among these demographic groups: Females (46.6%), Bisexuals (68.2%), 12th Graders (39%), American Indians (45%), Sex with both sexes (74.4%). There was a significant association between feelings of sadness or hopelessness among adolescents and students who were not physically active at least 60 minutes/day on all 7 days of the week, p-value=<0.01. Adolescent students that were not physically active at least 60 minutes per day on all 7 days of the week were more likely to experience feelings of sadness or hopelessness (39.2%), compared to adolescent students who were physically active at least 60 minutes per day on all 7 days of the week (29%).

Conclusion: There were differences observed in sex, race/ethnicity, grade-level, and sexual orientation among students that experience feelings of sadness or hopelessness. Lack of physical activity is associated with feelings of sadness or hopelessness. Although the role of lack of physical activity cannot be determined in the causation of poor mental health among adolescent students, future research should focus on examining why there are large differences between different demographics and how to combat that issue to improve mental health. In addition, more research should focus on understanding the role physical activity plays in mental health, and specific solutions for how it can be used as a tool to improve mental health among adolescent students.




