Examination of nursing students individual values and perceptions of individualized care

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Özdemir Aydın G.
Demircan B.
Turan N.
Aştı T.
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Background/Aims: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between nursing students’ values and perceptions of individualized care (IC).Methods: This descriptive and correlational study consisted of all nursing students (n=205) studying at a foundation university in the 2021-2022 academic year, and 194 students selected by using the G* Power ( program to determine the sample number were included in the study. Data were collected using a Student Information Form, the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ), and the Individualized Care Scale-Nurse Version and analyzed on the SPSS 24 software package.Results: The mean age of the participants was 20.37±1.23, 91.8% were female and 28.3% were second-grade students. It was seen that the participants got a total score average of 4.97±0.43 from the PVQ, and the highest score from the sub-dimensions of universality, respectively. It was determined that the mean ICS-A total score was 4.33±0.74, and the decision-making scores of the patient were high (4.40±0.78). While a positive relationship was determined between the ICS-A sub- dimensions and the PVQ sub-dimensions, there was a statistically significant difference, especially in the mean scores of the PVQ and ICS-A sub-dimensions of the PVQ and ICS-A scales for girls compared to boys (p<0.05).Conclusion: It was found that participants got the highest scores on the universality sub-dimension of the PVQ. This value emphasizes equality and justice in the provision and maintenance of care. Fair and equitable distribution of resources to all individuals is the basic principle in individualized care. These results are important as they show that nursing students, the nurses of the future, can provide individualized nursing care.Keywords: Individual values, Individualized nursing care, Nursing student
Hemşirelik, Sağlık Bilimleri, Nursing, Health Sciences, Klinik Tıp (MED), Klinik Tıp, HEMŞİRELİK, Clinical Medicine (MED), CLINICAL MEDICINE, NURSING, Farmakoloji (hemşirelik), Onkoloji (hemşirelik), Asistan Hemşirelik, Tıbbi ve Cerrahi Hemşirelik, Annelik ve Ebelik, LPN ve LVN, Acil Tıp Hemşireliği, Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği, İleri ve Uzman Hemşirelik, Hemşirelik (çeşitli), Genel Hemşirelik, Pharmacology (nursing), Oncology (nursing), Nurse Assisting, Medical and Surgical Nursing, Maternity and Midwifery, LPN and LVN, Emergency Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Advanced and Specialized Nursing, Nursing (miscellaneous), General Nursing
Özdemir Aydın G., Demircan B., Turan N., Aştı T., "Examination of nursing students individual values and perceptions of individualized care", Genel Tıp Dergisi, cilt.33, sa.2, ss.174-181, 2023
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