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Title: Toward Automatic Simulation of Aging Effects on Face Images
Authors: Taylor, Chris J. 
Cootes, Timothy F. 
Lanitis, Andreas 
metadata.dc.contributor.other: Λανίτης, Ανδρέας
Major Field of Science: Humanities
Field Category: Arts
Keywords: Aging variation;Statistical face models;Face recognition
Issue Date: 7-Aug-2002
Source: Toward Automatic Simulation of Aging Effects on Face Images," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 442-455
Volume: 24
Issue: 4
Start page: 442
End page: 455
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 
Abstract: The process of aging causes significant alterations in the facial appearance of individuals. When compared with other sources of variation in face images, appearance variation due to aging displays some unique characteristics. For example, aging variation is specific to a given individual; it occurs slowly and is affected significantly by other factors, such as health, gender, and lifestyle. Changes in facial appearance due to aging can even affect discriminatory facial features, resulting in deterioration of the ability of humans and machines to identify aged individuals. In this paper, we describe how the effects of aging on facial appearance can be explained using learned age transformations and present experimental results to show that reasonably accurate estimates of age can be made for unseen images. We also show that we can improve our results by taking into account the fact that different individuals age in different ways and by considering the effect of lifestyle. Our proposed framework can be used for simulating aging effects on new face images in order to predict how an individual might look like in the future or how he/she used to look in the past. The methodology presented has also been used for designing a face recognition system, robust to aging variation. In this context, the perceived age of the subjects in the training and test images is normalized before the training and classification procedure so that aging variation is eliminated. Experimental results demonstrate that, when age normalization is used, the performance of our face recognition system can be improved.
ISSN: 01628828
DOI: 10.1109/34.993553
Rights: © IEEE
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Type: Article
Affiliation : Cyprus College 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα/Articles

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