Estrategias tecnológicas para el crecimiento económico. Una aproximación no lineal a los determinantes de la Productividad Total de los Factores
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo analizar el avance tecnológico de los países desde una perspectiva no lineal a los determinantes de la Productividad Total de los Factores(PTF). Para ello, se llevan a cabo cuatro investigaciones de carácter empírico que examinan las estrategias tecnológicas de los países como fuente del crecimiento económico. La primera investigación evidencia el agotamiento productivo que supone la continua acumulación de capital fijo en el avance tecnológico. Tras analizar la evolución tecnológica de los países en el largo plazo (1955-2019) mediante la distancia a la frontera tecnológica, y comprobar la sobreacumulación relativa de capital que presenta España, se examina la relación entre el stock de capital fijo por empleado y la distancia a la frontera tecnológica con un panel de datos de 118 países. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una relación marginal decreciente entre el capital físico y el avance tecnológico en las diez mayores economías avanzadas del mundo. Esto sugiere la existencia de un límite en la cantidad de capital por trabajador, a partir del cual no se produciría un progreso técnico adicional, indicando así el desgaste de la estrategia imitadora a largo plazo...
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyze the technological progress of countries from a non-linear perspective to the determinants of Total Factor Productivity (TFP). To achieve this, four empirical investigations have been conducted that examine the technological strategies of countries as a source of economic growth. The first investigation demonstrates the productive exhaustion that the persistent accumulation of fixed capital represents in technological progress. After analyzing the technological evolution of countries in the long term (1955-2019) through the distance to the technological frontier and verifying the relative over-accumulation of capital that Spain presents, the relationship between fixed capital per employee and the distance to the technological frontier is examined with panel data for 118 countries. The results obtained show a decreasing marginal relationship between physical capital and technological progress in the ten largest advanced economies in the world. This suggests that existence of a limit on the amount of capital per worker, beyond which no further technical progress would occur, indicating the erosion of the imitative strategy in the long term...
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyze the technological progress of countries from a non-linear perspective to the determinants of Total Factor Productivity (TFP). To achieve this, four empirical investigations have been conducted that examine the technological strategies of countries as a source of economic growth. The first investigation demonstrates the productive exhaustion that the persistent accumulation of fixed capital represents in technological progress. After analyzing the technological evolution of countries in the long term (1955-2019) through the distance to the technological frontier and verifying the relative over-accumulation of capital that Spain presents, the relationship between fixed capital per employee and the distance to the technological frontier is examined with panel data for 118 countries. The results obtained show a decreasing marginal relationship between physical capital and technological progress in the ten largest advanced economies in the world. This suggests that existence of a limit on the amount of capital per worker, beyond which no further technical progress would occur, indicating the erosion of the imitative strategy in the long term...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, leída el 09/01/2024