Influencia del modelo de desarrollo económico en las modalidades de internacionalización productiva. El caso de China (2000-2017)
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Buena parte de la motivación de las estrategias del gobierno chino sobre la internacionalización productiva se debe a las crecientes tensiones comerciales y geopolíticas entre China, Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y otros países. Sin embargo, la emergencia de las ETN chinas y el aumento de los costos laborales chinos coinciden en el tiempo. Además, existe un vínculo muy estrecho entre desarrollo económico e internacionalización productiva en las concepciones que presiden la planificación económica china. Estos dos hechos sugieren la necesidad de un enfoque alternativo, aunque complementario, de cara al estudio de la economía china y la emergencia de sus ETN. Por tanto, cabe preguntarse si estas estrategias se deben a necesidades puramente internas de la economía china. Ello requiere un enfoque más centrado en las necesidades internas del desarrollo económico de China que en el impacto de su internacionalización productiva en otras economías. Para ello, es necesario centrar el análisis en cómo el modelo de desarrollo económico de China influye en sus modalidades de internacionalización productiva...
Much of the motivation for the Chinese government strategies on productive internationalization is due to the growing commercial and geopolitical tensions between China, the United States, the European Union and other countries. However, the emergence of Chinese TNCs and the increase in Chinese labour costs have taken place at the same time. Besides, there is a very close link between economic development and productive internationalization in the conceptions of the Chinese economic planning.These two facts suggest the need for an alternative, though complementary, approach to the study of the Chinese economy and the emergence of its TNCs. It is therefore worth asking whether these strategies are due to purely domestic needs of the Chinese economy. That requires an approach more focused on the domestic needs of China's economic development than on the impact of its productive internationalization on other economies. For this, it is necessary to focus the analysis on how China's economic development model influences its modalities of productive internationalization...
Much of the motivation for the Chinese government strategies on productive internationalization is due to the growing commercial and geopolitical tensions between China, the United States, the European Union and other countries. However, the emergence of Chinese TNCs and the increase in Chinese labour costs have taken place at the same time. Besides, there is a very close link between economic development and productive internationalization in the conceptions of the Chinese economic planning.These two facts suggest the need for an alternative, though complementary, approach to the study of the Chinese economy and the emergence of its TNCs. It is therefore worth asking whether these strategies are due to purely domestic needs of the Chinese economy. That requires an approach more focused on the domestic needs of China's economic development than on the impact of its productive internationalization on other economies. For this, it is necessary to focus the analysis on how China's economic development model influences its modalities of productive internationalization...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, leída el 05-05-2023