The online teaching of foreign languages designing didactic materials for virtual environments

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This report is about virtual environments, online learning and the adjustment to the already well-known teaching and learning methods of a foreign language. The research team was able to complete the Specialization course which leaded them to design infographics and interactive images, to record an animated video, record a podcast, experiences in which the students were able to practice, as they could have presented previous experiences or being this the first time doing it, in any case, they were valuable opportunities to put into practice with the teaching and the learning process. The course was divided into three modules, starting with getting to know the approach and the proper usage of the learning management system, then followed by the various online tools, and last how to elaborate learning material with the tools and methods of the previous modules. All of them were assigned different activities from the less complicated to the most innovative. The course can also be considered not only as the last activity to conclude a course, but also as part of the activities implemented by the humanities department of the University of El Salvador and is presented as a substitute for the graduation work normally considered as mandatory and also it was a window for the students to consider a long last career path with various opportunities and experiences at the moment of practicing the teaching and the learning process of a foreign language. Keywords: Educational tools ; English ; Language ; Learning ; Teaching ; Technology



Educational tools, english, language, learning, teaching, technology
