Centro de Investigación de la Educación de Negocios

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/166749

Este centro promueve la investigación y el análisis sobre la educación, la formación y la capacitación de profesionales en gestión. En ese afán, tiene como objetivo contribuir con el conocimiento y su difusión en los temas de la enseñanza, entrenamiento y adiestramiento de los profesionales de la gestión de empresas y organizaciones en general. Este objetivo comprende los distintos ámbitos de acción: escolástico, al interior de las organizaciones, formal e informal; incluyendo las diferentes perspectivas del tema: pedagógicas, psicológicas, económicas, sociológicas, antropológicas, históricas, etc.


Resultados de Búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 4 de 4
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Enacting the IS Strategy: Transforming a Strategic Actor Vision into Praxis
    (CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Bohórquez López, Victor Wilfredo; Esteves, José
    In the education sector, online knowledge sharing and online social learning are fundamental in the new education landscape. But some years ago, in some prestigious education institutions, talking about online education and online communities was like a taboo. The focus of this research study is an academic and international institution, where a visionary ahead of his time saw the importance of online social networks before the boom they experienced. With this idea in mind, he proposed to create an online knowledge community platform (OKCP). We describe the OKCP different development stages paying special attention to the most important events that shaped and motivated the (re)creation of this environment. In this sense, the main contribution of this study is to make us reflect on how the strategy-as-practice approach is useful for a better understanding of the evolutionary process of an IT-based innovation product (OKCP), describing how the different streams of strategies and praxes (re)shape the intrinsic characteristics of the product, transforming it gradually into what actors want it to be.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Student-based brand equity in the business schools sector: An exploratory study
    (CENTRUM Publishing, 2015) Vincent, Charles; Iona Gherman, Tatiana
    Faced with increased competition, business schools seem to have realized that having the strongest brands, hence, a distinct image, is vital to strengthen their presence in the education marketplace. It is in this context that the present paper focuses on assessing the dimensions of brand equity of business schools from the MBA-enrolled student’s perspective, with a specific reference to the Peruvian market. In this regard, it builds an instrument around five dimensions of brand equity, namely, brand loyalty, brand association, brand awareness, perceived quality, and overall brand perception. Additionally, it furnishes a snapshot of the Peruvian business schools sector by means of providing the order of dimensions pertaining to each business school. The analysis suggests that perceived quality seems to be the most important dimension of brand equity, while the overall brand perception is almost always ranked last. Conceptualizing brand equity from the MBA-enrolled student’s perspective can prove to be useful as this framework could assist business schools in designing marketing strategies to improve their brand equity and gain a higher student share.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    A Model for Assessing the Quality of Marketing-Management Education
    (CENTRUM Publishing, 2015) Rivera Camino, Jaime Eduardo; Alarcón Ramírez, Víctor Fidel
    This study proposes and tests a model of educational quality in marketing management incorporating resource-capability variables linked to learning outcomes for students and the competitive positioning of universities. Drawing on resource-dependence theory, the study develops a comprehensive model for measuring educational quality. The hypothesised relationships in the model are tested with a sample of Spanish university teachers using a two-stage least squares regression analysis, while controlling for the possible effect of the public/private nature of the university. The results validate the model and show that educational capabilities are reliable variables for predicting the educational quality of marketing-management programs at Spanish universities. As with all educational research, certain problems are acknowledged with respect to the data and the theoretical constructs that are utilised in the study. Future studies could replicate this study using more direct objective measures of the theoretical constructs and extend the study to other countries with different educational contexts. This is one of the few studies to apply resource-dependence theory to an analysis of the variables associated with the quality of marketing-management education. In doing so, the study presents original multi-item scales to improve the measurement of model constructs. The results provide guidance to university marketing teachers in designing high-quality marketing-management educational programs and in developing self-diagnostic tools that determine a university’s likelihood of competitive success.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Evolución de los sistemas de gestión de contenidos
    (CENTRUM Publishing, 2015) Bohórquez López, Victor Wilfredo
    Este artículo presenta la evolución de los sistemas de gestión de contenidos desde sus inicios cuando se centraban en gestionar la información departamental hasta abarcar toda la organización. A continuación se presenta un modelo con cuatro dimensiones para un mejor entendimiento de las implicaciones de este tipo de proyectos, para luego contrastar los problemas encontrados en cada dimensión con las mejores prácticas en la implementación de sistemas de gestión de contenidos propuestas por diversos autores. Finalmente, se dan algunas conclusiones y se mencionan posibles líneas de investigación futuras.