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Impact of visual callosal pathway is dependent upon ipsilateral thalamus


Ramachandra,  Vishnudev
Department of Behavior and Brain Organization, Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (caesar), Max Planck Society;


Pawlak,  Verena
Department of Behavior and Brain Organization, Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (caesar), Max Planck Society;


Wallace,  Damian J       
Department of Behavior and Brain Organization, Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (caesar), Max Planck Society;


Kerr,  Jason N. D.       
Department of Behavior and Brain Organization, Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (caesar), Max Planck Society;

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Ramachandra, V., Pawlak, V., Wallace, D. J., & Kerr, J. N. D. (2020). Impact of visual callosal pathway is dependent upon ipsilateral thalamus. Nature Communications, 11: 1889.

The visual callosal pathway, which reciprocally connects the primary visual cortices, is thought to play a pivotal role in cortical binocular processing. In rodents, the functional role of this pathway is largely unknown. Here, we measure visual cortex spiking responses to visual stimulation using population calcium imaging and functionally isolate visual pathways originating from either eye. We show that callosal pathway inhibition significantly reduced spiking responses in binocular and monocular neurons and abolished spiking in many cases. However, once isolated by blocking ipsilateral visual thalamus, callosal pathway activation alone is not sufficient to drive evoked cortical responses. We show that the visual callosal pathway relays activity from both eyes via both ipsilateral and contralateral visual pathways to monocular and binocular neurons and works in concert with ipsilateral thalamus in generating stimulus evoked activity. This shows a much greater role of the rodent callosal pathway in cortical processing than previously thought.