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The increasing lifespan variation gradient by area-level deprivation: a decomposition analysis of Scotland 1981–2011

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Seaman, R. J., Riffe, T., Leyland, A. H., Popham, F., & van Raalte, A. A. (2019). The increasing lifespan variation gradient by area-level deprivation: a decomposition analysis of Scotland 1981–2011. Social Science and Medicine, 230, 147-157. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.04.008.

Life expectancy inequalities are an established indicator of health inequalities. More recent attention has been given to lifespan variation, which measures the amount of heterogeneity in age at death across all individuals in a population. International studies have documented diverging socioeconomic trends in lifespan variation using individual level measures of income, education and occupation. Despite using different socioeconomic indicators and different indices of lifespan variation, studies reached the same conclusion: the most deprived experience the lowest life expectancy and highest lifespan variation, a double burden of mortality inequality. A finding of even greater concern is that relative differences in lifespan variation between socioeconomic group were growing at a faster rate than life expectancy differences. The magnitude of lifespan variation inequalities by area-level deprivation has received limited attention. Area-level measures of deprivation are actively used by governments for allocating resources to tackle health inequalities. Establishing if the same lifespan variation inequalities emerge for area-level deprivation will help to better inform governments about which dimension of mortality inequality should be targeted. We measure lifespan variation trends (1981–2011) stratified by an area-level measure of socioeconomic deprivation that is applicable to the entire population of Scotland, the country with the highest level of variation and one of the longest, sustained stagnating trends in Western Europe. We measure the gradient in variation using the slope and relative indices of inequality. The deprivation, age and cause specific components driving the increasing gradient are identified by decomposing the change in the slope index between 1981 and 2011. Our results support the finding that the most advantaged are dying within an ever narrower age range while the most deprived are facing greater and increasing uncertainty. The least deprived group show an increasing advantage, over the national average, in terms of deaths from circulatory disease and external causes.