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Symmetry-protected exceptional and nodal points in non-Hermitian systems


Sayyad,  Sharareh
Kunst Research Group, Marquardt Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;


Kunst,  Flore K.
Kunst Research Group, Marquardt Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;

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Sayyad, S., Stålhammar, M., Rødland, L., & Kunst, F. K. (2022). Symmetry-protected exceptional and nodal points in non-Hermitian systems. arXiv, 2204.13945.

One of the unique features of non-Hermitian (NH) systems is the appearance of non-Hermitian degeneracies known as exceptional points~(EPs). The occurrence of EPs in NH systems requires satisfying constraints whose number can be reduced in the presence of some symmetries. This results in stabilizing the appearance of EPs. Even though two different types of EPs, namely defective and non-defective EPs, may emerge in NH systems, exploring the possibilities of stabilizing EPs has been only addressed for defective EPs, at which the Hamiltonian becomes non-diagonalizable. In this letter, we show that certain discrete symmetries, namely parity-time, parity-particle-hole, and pseudo-Hermitian symmetry, may guarantee the occurrence of both defective and non-defective EPs. We extend this list of symmetries by including the non-Hermitian time-reversal symmetry in the two-band systems.
We further show that the non-defective EPs manifest themselves by i) the diagonalizability of non-Hermitian Hamiltonian at these points and ii) the non-diagonalizability of the Hamiltonian along certain intersections of non-defective EPs. Two-band and four-band models exemplify our findings. Through an example, we further reveal that ordinary (Hermitian) nodal points may coexist with defective EPs in non-Hermitian models when the above symmetries are relaxed.