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A Stay in Friedrich Bonhoeffer's Lab in Tuebingen in the Mid-Eighties

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Godement, P. (2023). A Stay in Friedrich Bonhoeffer's Lab in Tuebingen in the Mid-Eighties. Neuroscience, 508, 52-61. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.11.031.

The main focus of research for which Friedrich Bonhoeffer’s work is known in the Neuroscience community was pioneer experiments on how axonal projections could organize into “maps”, what mechanisms are involved in axon guidance and involve gradients of guiding molecules, and isolation of the first such molecules, e.g. RAGS (ephrin A5) and RGM (repulsive guidance molecule). Other papers have described in detail these contributions as well as Friedrich Bonhoeffer’s personality (Baier, 2021; Drescher, 2021). In the mid-eighties, I made a 2-year stay in his lab and initiated a line of research on development of binocular connections in Mammals, particularly the guidance of retinal fibers to one or the other side of the brain. In this paper I recall these circumstances as they pertain to Neuroscience as it stood at the time, and explain as best as I can how his lab was a conducive setting for the discoveries made there and how Friedrich Bonhoeffer acted for me as a scientist and a tutor.