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If Mendel only knew: Segregation Distortion in Arabidopsis Thaliana, or a Story of Self-Recognition and Pollen Competition


Salomé,  PA       
Department Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;


Weigel,  D       
Department Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;

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Salomé, P., & Weigel, D. (2012). If Mendel only knew: Segregation Distortion in Arabidopsis Thaliana, or a Story of Self-Recognition and Pollen Competition. Poster presented at 23rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2012), Wien, Austria.

We have genotyped at high resolution and with common markers over 7000 F2 plants derived from pair-wise crosses between 18 accessions. Most populations showed contained markers with significant deviation from the expected 1: 2: 1 Mendelian ratio, indicating that segregation distortion is widespread. The most striking examples are seen in a population derived from Lov-5 (Sweden) and Shahdara (Tadjikistan); they are not caused by seed lethality, as F 1 siliques are full. Both distorted regions map to chromosome 1: on the upper arm, plants homozygous for the Lov-5 allele are virtually absent, while the lower arm is almost devoid of plants homozygous for Sha (n plants = 443). Reciprocal crosses between Lov-5 x Sha F 1 plants and each parent demonstrate that distortion is only associated with F1 pollen. Distortion on the upper arm of chromosome 1 is only seen when Sha is used as pollen recipient; this locus favors Sha pollen over Lov-5. Distortion on the lower arm is seen irrespective of the parent used as pollen recipient, and represents a case of pollen competition, whereby only pollen carrying a Lov-5 allele at the causal locus gives rise to seed. The promoter of the likely causal locus shows extensive divergence in Lov-5 from the Col-0 and Sha alleles, and appears more similar to the orthologous A. lyrata promoter. A second, pollen-expressed cryptic locus may also be important for the expression of distortion, as a cross between Lov-5 and Bay-0 leads to limited distortion in the F2 generation. The Col-0 and Ler accessions do not carry this cryptic modifier, as a T-DNA loss-of-function allele for the candidate locus in a Col-0 background does not result in distortion when crossed to Ler. Identification of all causal loci is underway, and will yield critical information on the non-random segregation of alleles in F2 and more advanced populations.