[en] Flood risk in urbanized areas raises increasing concerns as a result of demographic and climate changes. Hydraulic modelling is a key component of urban flood risk analysis. Yet, detailed validation data are still lacking for comprehensively validating hydraulic modelling of inundation flow in urbanized floodplains. ln this study, we present an experimental model of inundation flow in a typical European urban district and we compare the experimental observations with predictions by a shallow-water numerical model. The setup is 5 ll\X Sm and involves seven streets along each direction, leading to 49 intersections. Different inflow discharges and flow partitions were tested. The performance ofthe numerical model is assessed and the upscaling ofthe experimental observations to the field is discussed.
Research Center/Unit :
Aquapôle - ULiège
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
Arrault; Ecole des Mines d'Ales
Finaud-Guyot, Pascal; ICube, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS
Archambeau, Pierre ; Université de Liège > Département ArGEnCo > HECE (Hydraulics in Environnemental and Civil Engineering)
Bruwier, Martin ; Université de Liège > Département ArGEnCo > Hydraulics in Environmental and Civil Engineering
Erpicum, Sébastien ; Université de Liège > Scientifiques attachés au Doyen (Sc.appliquées)
Pirotton, Michel ; Université de Liège > Département ArGEnCo > HECE (Hydraulics in Environnemental and Civil Engineering)
Dewals, Benjamin ; Université de Liège > Département ArGEnCo > Hydraulics in Environmental and Civil Engineering
Language :
Title :
Hydrodynamics of long-duration urban floods: experiments and numerical modelling
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