Income; Indigenous knowledge; Livelihoods capital; Medicinal plant; Plant cultivation; Geography, Planning and Development; Economics and Econometrics; Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Abstract :
[en] This study aimed to investigate the effect of medicinal plants cultivation on rural livelihoods. To achieve this goal, firstly, using relevant literature and secondary sources, the data were collected, and then to determine the validity, a questionnaire was provided to a panel of subject experts, and pilot tests were used to determine the analysis tool's dependability. The alpha coefficient of Cronbach was then determined for different parts of the completed questionnaire and showed that the questionnaire has acceptable reliability. The statistical population of the study consisted of 9178 medicinal plants farmers in the South-Khorasan province of Iran in the year 2019. The sample includes 368 individuals based on Krejcie Morgan table. The results showed that there is a connection between medicinal plant cultivation and human health as well as rural livelihoods. The correlation coefficient of cultivation of medicinal plants and economic capital had the highest position and the rest are in environmental, human, social, and physical, capital. The main outcome of the cultivation of medicinal plants is increased income and savings and poverty reduction, 68% of which are affected by improved rural livelihoods through the cultivation of medicinal plants. This study concluded that economic capital has the highest priority in measuring livelihood. Providing loans and facilities in the field of medicinal plants and agricultural equipment is one of the solutions that help the government pave the way to expand planting and crops export through production incentives. Moreover, concerning the impact of different varieties of medicinal plants on improving livelihoods, poverty reduction, and increasing the income and savings of rural households, it is recommended that saffron planting be a priority, and barberry, cumin, and jujube be considered in the next priorities. It is also recommended that researchers and experts in this field try to identify and introduce quality cultivars to farmers.
Disciplines :
Agriculture & agronomy Life sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Dalir, Mahboubeh; Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran
Choobchian, Shahla ; Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran
Abbasi, Enayat; Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran
Fauconnier, Marie-Laure ; Université de Liège - ULiège > TERRA Research Centre > Chemistry for Sustainable Food and Environmental Systems (CSFES)
Dogot, Thomas ; Université de Liège - ULiège > TERRA Research Centre > Modélisation et développement
Värnik, Rando; Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Chair of Rural Economics, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia
Azadi, Hossein ; Université de Liège - ULiège > TERRA Research Centre > Modélisation et développement
Language :
Title :
Impact of medicinal plants cultivation on rural livelihoods: the case of South Khorasan Province in Iran
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