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Title: Feminist contributions on sexual experiences of women with serious mental illness: a literature review
Author: Grachev, Kira
Santoro Lamelas, Valeria
Gresle, Anne-Sophie
Torre, Leonardo de la
Pinazo, Maria-Jesus
Keywords: Feminisme
Malalts mentals
Salut mental
Mentally ill
Mental health
Issue Date: 22-Aug-2022
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Abstract: This paper aims to explore the contributions of research that include gender perspective in analysing the sexual experiences of women diagnosed with serious mental illness and to identify any barriers and systems that impede sexual fulfilment. We have developed a qualitative literature review using the PRISMA statement. The databases SCOPUS, WOS and PsychINFO were used in this review. Studies were included if they were published up to March 15, 2022, and only studies in English were included. An initial database search was preformed; upon screening for eligibility, there remained 16 studies that explored the sexual experiences of women with diagnoses of serious mental illness. The studies were analysed by a thematic synthesis. Data was coded line-by-line which generated descriptive themes, resulting in four synthesised findings. The four synthesised findings that derived from the reviewed studies were stigma and subjectivity, the experience of interpersonal relationships, the socialisation of women and the effects of psychiatric hegemony. A feminist perspective highlights the interrelationship between gender and stigma as it relates to serious mental illness and sexuality. A feminist perspective and an intersectional approach should be adopted at the intersubjective and structural level to account for the complexity of human experience and to subvert the heteropatriarchal system.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Archives Of Womens Mental Health, 2022, vol. 25, p. 853-870
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ISSN: 1434-1816
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Psicologia Social i Psicologia Quantitativa)

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